Pegasus – Kunst - Antik - Design
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Category: Art older >> Watercolour

Danish artist (19th century): A house
Schweickhardt, Hendrik Willem (1747 - 1797) Germany: Iti . . .
Hansen, Joseph Theodor (1848 - 1912) Denmark: Scene from . . .
Danish artist (19th century): Ships on the sea.
Zillen, Johan Wilhelm (1824 - 1870) Denmark: From a cowshed.
English artist (19th century): Mountain landscape with lake.
Blache, Christian (1838 - 1920) Denmark: A man on a cliff.
Ernesti, R. 19. /20. century Germany: View from a city wi . . .
Ernesti, R. (19th/20th century) Germany: A castle by the . . .
Unknown artist (20th century): Houses by the water.
Frolova, Alla (1943 - ) Russia
Odelmark, Frans Vilhelm (1849 - 1937) Sweden: A watchman . . .
Thalbitzer, Mathilde Emilie (1874 - 1931) Denmark: Heath . . .
Roesgaard, Christian (20th century) Denmark: A bird on t . . .
Skovgaard, Johan Thomas (1888 - 1977) Denmark: A mountai . . .
Gallo, Giovanni (20th Century) Italy: Pompei.
Tornøe, Wentzel (1844 - 1907) Denmark: Architecture deco . . .
Danish artist (20th century): Scene from Faaborg.
Unknown artist (19th century): Portrait of a woman.
Danish artist (20th century): A house - probably in Ring . . .
Schou, Svend (Sven) Holger (1877 - 1961) Denmark: Horses . . .
Fox, Henry Charles (1860 - 1929) England: A man drives t . . .
Thalbitzer, Ellen Anna Elisabeth Sophie (1884 - 1970) De . . .
Danish artist (20th century): Lunch in the green.
Friis, Frederikke (19th century) Denmark: Flower arrange . . .
Henningsen. Lorenz (19th century): The monument at Sehes . . .
Johansen, Einar (1893 - 1965) Denmark: A woman.
Telmanyi, Anne Marie (1893 - 1983) Denmark: Two banding . . .
Le Moul, Eugene Louis (1859 - 1934) France: Mountain peaks.
Müller, H (19th century) Germany: A woman in a landscape.
Larsen, Emil. Denmark. Marine.
Cumming, Henry (1906 - 1989) Great Britain: Coastal Party.
The Hague, Carl (1820 - 1915) Germany: Interior with man.
English artist (19th century: The last castle on the cliff.
Baagøe, Carl Emil (1829 - 1902) Denmark: An abandoned wreck.
Soya-Jensen, Carl Martin (1860-1912) Denmark
Müller, H (19th century), Germany.
Böhme, Karl Theodor (1866 - 1939) Germany . : A boat on t . . .
Unknown artist (20th anniversary) A sterwardess.
Rohde, Frederik (1816 - 1886) Denmark: A man on the beac . . .
Klein, Rigmor (1888 - 1942) Denmark: A farm, Funen.
Soya-Jensen, Carl Martin (1860-1912) Denmark. Scene from . . .
Larsen, Mich (19/20th. ) Denmark: Sheep, Svinkløv, Kvarren.
Danish artist (19thC): A farm.
English artist (19th century) Ruins.
Morton, James Hargreaves (1881 - 1918) United Kingdom: A . . .
Fischer, August (1854 - 1921) Denmark: Catel Toblino.
Kielberg, Ole (1911 - 1985) Denmark: Pearl lilies.
Danish artist, 19th century. Interior.
Danish artist (20th century) Leda and the swan.
Mikkelsen, Lauritz (1879 - 1966) Denmark. Interior from . . .
Danish artist (19th century) Woman portrait
Martin, Henry (1835 - 1908) United Kingdom: Landscape.
Leisner, Vilhelm (1837 - 1910) Denmark: Moor.
Nilsson, Knud E. (20th century) Denmark: Ship Portrait o . . .
Aae, Olga (1877 - 1965) Denmark: A street.
Andersen, Valdemar (1875 - 1928) Denmark: High sea
Drews, Svend (1919 - 2003) Denmark: Flowers.
Danish artist (19th century): Architecture drawing of ch . . .
Stoltenberg, Otto Valdemar (1906 - 1988) Denmark: Ships . . .
English artist (19th century): An angel.
Visby, Frederik (1839 - 1926) Denmark: Kastellet.
Tournier, Victor 1834 - 1911) France: Mary Magdalene.
English artist (19th century): Arrangement with flower b . . .
English artist (19th century): View from a village.
Kittendorff, Johan Adolph (1805 - 1902) Denmark: A cow.
Lombard, Edmond (20th ann. ): Persons on field work.
Nielsen, Helge (1893 - 1980) Denmark: Landscape.
Gallo, Gianno (1915 -) Italy: Pompeii Tempio di Apollo e . . .
Sheppey, J. E (19th Century) England: Ludlow Castle from . . .
Henriksen, Harald N. K (1883 - 1960) Denmark. Winter Lan . . .
English artist (19th century)
German artist (19th century): A church.
Veltman, Han (1928-) Netherlands: Fishmonger.
Italian ship portraits painter (19th century): Ship port . . .
Bennike, F. (19/20. Century. ) Denmark: A Garden, Rome.
Iversen, Kræsten (1886 - 1959) Denmark: Landscape.
Unknown artist (19th century): People in the countryside.
Groth-Jensen, Jens Peter (1918 - ) Denmark: Landscape.
Unknown artist (18th cent. ): Scene from a river
Unknown artist (18th cent. ): Ships in a city with fortress
Troyel, Emil (1847 - 1935) France: Mountain Landscape.
Danish artist (19th c. ):
Wolf, Georg (1882 - 1965) Germany: From a forge.
Wolf, Georg (1882 - 1965) Germany: From a forge.
Wolf, Georg (1882 - 1965) Germany: Two people and a cow . . .
Bang, Charlotte Mary (19th / 20th century. ) Denmark: A n . . .
Larsen, Knud (1865 - 1922) Denmark: The sickbed.
Italian artist 19th century. : Church interior.
Jensen, Axel P. (1885 - 1972) Denmark
Italian artist, 19th century.
Italian artist, 19th century.
Gregersen, Emil (1921 - 1993) Denmark: Party from Vrandr . . .
Schouboe, Henrik (1876 - 1949) Denmark
Schaffalitsky the Muckadell, Albinia (1824 - 1897) Denmark
Danish Golden Age artist (19th century. )
Friis, Andreas (1890 - 1983) Denmark
Borregaard, Victor (1875 - 1939) Denmark: Scene with people.
Tufnell, Eric Erskine Campbell (1888 - 1979) England: Sh . . .
German Artist (20th century. ) Religious scene

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