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Aabenraa Antikvitetshandel

Albert Bertelsen, 1921-2019, oil on canvas. "Stillife with Clock". Signed and dated 1973. Visible size: 81x100cm. With frame: 87x106cm

Price: 68,000.- DKK

Albert Bertelsen, 1921-2019, oil on canvas
"Stillife with Clock"
Signed and dated 1973
Visible size: 81x100cm. With frame: 87x106cm
Item number: 1641A

Shipped insured and free of charge throughout Denmark

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C. F. Aagaard, 183-95, oil on canvas. Danish 
Landscape signed Aagaard. Visible size: 26x29cm. 
With frame: 37x40cm

C. F. Aagaard, 183-95, oil on canvas. Danish Land

Jais Nielsen, 1885-1961, watercolor. Signed. 
Visible size: 31x27cm. With frame: 45x41cm

Jais Nielsen, 1885-1961, watercolor. Signed. Visi

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dated 1995. Exhibited at the Artmuseum AroS, 
Aarhus, Denmark, 2006, at the exhibition 
"Jaywalking Eyes". Size: 200x80cm each

Michael Kvium, b. 1955, oil on canvas. "A Couple"

Poul Ekelund, 1921-76, oil on canvas, Landscape. 
Signed "Ekelund". Visible size: 47x69cm. With 
frame: 52x74cm

Poul Ekelund, 1921-76, oil on canvas, Landscape.


Aabenraa Antikvitetshandel Nørreport 16 DK - 6200 Aabenraa
Cell: +45 40 83 55 83




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