The service with the name "Nøddebo" from Knabstrup in Denmark
A jam pot
The service is very light
Diam: About 12cm
In a good condition
Stamp: Stentøj Knabstrup Denmark
Design: Johannes Hansen">
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Knabstrup "Nøddebo"

The service with the name "Nøddebo" from Knabstrup in Denmark

A jam pot

The service is very light

Diam: About 12cm

In a good condition

Stamp: Stentøj Knabstrup Denmark

Design: Johannes Hansen

Price: 225.- DKK per item

Knabstrup "Nøddebo"
The service with the name "Nøddebo" from Knabstrup in Denmark
A jam pot
The service is very light
Diam: About 12cm
In a good condition
Stamp: Stentøj Knabstrup Denmark
Design: Johannes Hansen
Johannes Larsen was by Knabstrup 1953-1970. The service was made from the end of the 1960'ies to the beginning of the 1970'ies
Articleno.: 7123

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H: 12cm

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Tlf: +45 30 30 35 16

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- the shop with antiques and retro, modern but on the other hand antique - +45 30303516
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