Pegasus – Kunst - Antik - Design
Oddervej 168
8270 Højbjerg

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Category: Jewellery, double etc. >> Neck jewellery

Genuine cultured pearl necklace, 20th century.
3 - row genuine cultured pearl chain with gold-plated cl . . .
Pendant in platinum, 20th century.
Coral chain, 20th century
Coral necklace, 20th century
Coral necklace, 20th century
Chinese malekit chain, 20th century
Malachite necklace. 20th century
Came medallion, 19th century
Necklace with malachites and clasp in sterling silver 92 . . .
Millefiori micro mosaic pendant. 20th century Italy
Millefiori micro mosaic pendant. 20th century Italy
Moroccan necklace, 1900 - the beginning of the century.
Coral necklace with 14 carat gold clasp, 20th century.
Double row pearl necklace, 20th century.
Pearl necklace, 20th century
Ivory necklace - consisting of round balls in varied siz . . .
Pearl necklace, 20th century
Danish amber chain, polished pieces, 19. /20. Cth.
Polished amber with seeds
Danish polished amber chain, collected before 1900
Amber chain, polished pieces, 20th century. Denmark.
Amber chain with polished pieces. 20th century Denmark
Coral chain, 20th century. Bright red corals.
Finnish bronze pendant with chain, 20th century.
Polished amber pendant, Denmark.
Polished amber necklace with silver chain, Denmark.
Coral necklace, 19th century.
Red coral necklace, 20th century
Amber necklace, sterling, 20årh.
Rarely designed amber chain with round and crescent piec . . .
Red coral chain, 20th century.
Necklace, 19th century. Of identical ivory balls.
Coral chain, 20th century
Came with Diana, framed with copper pendant, 19th centur . . .
Turquoise necklace, 20th century
Coral chain, 20th century
Freshwater pearls, 20th century, Nikita.
White opaline glass necklace, 19th century.
Pearl necklace with silver plated clasp, 20th century.
Mother of pearl chain, 20th century.
Completely unique amber chain with 85 polished pieces, 2 . . .
Amethyst necklace with 14 carat gold clasp, 20th century . . .
Turquoise necklace with polished pieces, 20th century.
Fantastic amber chain with 37 polished oblong pieces, 19 . . .
Enamel brooch with roses, oval, 19th century.
Pewter pendant with amber, 1970s. Denmark.
Large polished amber jewelry with seed capsules, 20th ce . . .
Garnet pendant, 19th century
Finnish bronze necklace with chain, 20th century Design: . . .
Finnish bronze necklace with chain, 20th century Design: . . .
Red coral chain, 20th century.
Three-row necklace with real pearls, Flora Danica Jewele . . .
Pendant in ivory with man in profile, 19th century
Red coral chain, 20th century.
Red coral chain, 19th century.
Necklace in light red coral, approx. 1900
Red coral chain, 19th century.
Amber chain of triangular pieces, 19th century Denmark
Gold plated silver necklace with grenades, 20th century.
Polished amber piece, Denmark
Neck chain with round amber pieces. With older brooch of . . .
Amber pendant, 20th century, polished.
Pearl necklace - genuine pearls with silver lock, 20th c . . .
Light green jade necklace, 20th century China.
Large polished amber jewelery with silver pendant, 20th . . .
Amber, Denmark
Red coral chain, 20th century.
Pearl necklace, 20th century.
Amber pendant, polished amber with decoration of starfis . . .
Turquoise necklace. 20th century
Polished amber pendant, Denmark.
Turkish chain with pearls, 19th century.
Red coral chain, 20th century.
5-row pearl necklace, 20th century.
Amber chain, milk amber, polished pieces, 20th century. . . .
Green malachite neck chain, 20th century.
Collier, White coral. 19th century
Danish amber chain of polished pieces, approx. 1900
Danish amber chain of polished pieces, approx. 1900.
Jewelry set consisting of necklace and ear clip, 20th ce . . .
Garnet necklace, gold plated, approx. 1900. Germany.
Polished amber piece with pendant. Denmark.
Large polished amber piece, milk amber, Denmark.
Beautiful gold plated necklace with numerous granates, 1 . . .
Bronze cross, 20th century.
Bronze cross in the form of woman, 20th century. Cire pe . . .
Ole Lynggaard Necklace, 20th Century. Copenhagen, Denmark.
Crucifix in bronze, 20th century.
Necklace, lapis lazuli, 20th century.
Polished amber pendant, 20th century.
Polished amber pendant, Denmark. 20th century
Polished amber piece, Denmark.
Polished amber piece, Denmark. With seeds.
Red coral chain. 19/20. century
Large polished amber pendant with silver fitting, 20th c . . .
Polished amber pendant, 20th century.
Polished amber pendant with silver mounts, 20th century
Coral chain, app. 1900
Necklace of ivory

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