Pegasus – Kunst - Antik - Design
Oddervej 168
8270 Højbjerg

tlf: 20 49 39 81

Lighting modern:Table lamps (13)
Lighting older and antique:Table lamps (53) Floor lamps (1) Ceiling lamps (59) Other (29)
Flatware:Real silver (141) Silverplate (3)
Bronze, copper, pewter etc.:Bronze (66) Copper, brass (326) Pewter (157) Other (20)
Books, postcards, maps:Books, fiction (1) Books, non-fiction (13) Postcards (10) Maps (35) Other (3)
Etnografica:Greenlandica (40) African (31) Other (9) Unclassified (17)
Glass:Drinking glass (143) Decanters (98) Vases (86) Art glass (106) Other (209)
Christmas decorations:Various Christmas decorations (8)
Pottery and stoneware - Modern:Figurines (20) Vases and bowls (90) Other (29) Unclassified (44)
Pottery and stoneware - older and antique:Figurines (23) Vases and bowls (28) Other (140)
Art modern:Watercolour (164) Lithographics (89) Paintings (251) Sculptures (29) Drawings (101) Other (65)
Art older:Watercolour (104) Other (7) Lithographics (204) Paintings (992) Sculptures (59) Drawings (145)
Toys:Various toys (63)
Candlesticks:Brass (155) Porcelain and Ceramics (1) Silver and plated (4) Pewter & other (9) Other (21)
Maritime items:Various maritime items (13)
Furniture, modern:Chairs (1)
Furniture, older and antique:Farmer furniture (26) Tables (65) Storage furniture (15) Mirrors (41) Chairs (32) Other (69)
Coins & stamps:Stamps (7) Medals (41) Coins (3) Other (1)
Oriental:Various oriental (554)
Porcelain and faience:Other (351)
Porcelain and faience - Figurines:Bing & Grondahl (3) Royal Copenhagen (2) Others (55) Unclassified (23)
Porcelain and faience - Plates:Bing & Grondahl (35) Royal Copenhagen (20) Others (2) Unclassified (9)
Porcelain and faience - dinner- coffee sets:Bing & Grondahl (34) Royal Copenhagen (74) Others (9) Unclassified (25)
Porcelain and faience - Vases:Bing & Grondahl (1) Dahl Jensen (2) Royal Copenhagen (12) Others (42)
Jewellery, double etc.:Arm jewellery (11) Brooches (26) Neck jewellery (134) Other (17)
Jewellery, gold:Arm jewellery (2) Brooches (6) Neck jewellery (8) Finger rings (21) Other (8)
Jewellery, silver:Arm jewellery (75) Brooches (76) Neck jewellery (112) Finger rings (21) Other (44)
Silver:Holloware (83) Other (110)
Silverplate:Holloware (12) Other (19)
Textiles:Clothing (2) Other (20)
Carpets, rugs:Genuine oriental rugs (9) Unclassified (13)
Clocks, watches:Mantel and console clock (12) Pocket- and wrist watches (21) Clocks (5) Other (30)
Various:Various (564) Vintage photo art (1)
Weapons & Militaria:Militaria (2) Weapons (11) Various (38)

Category: Art older >> Paintings

Hindevad, Peter Marius Jensen (1885 - 1977) Denmark: Gra . . .
Christiansen, Niels Peter (1873 - 1960) Denmark: Two hor . . .
Bjulf, Søren Christian (1890 - 1958) Denmark: Fishing wi . . .
Langer, Viggo (1860 - 1942) Denmark: A horse-drawn carri . . .
Thoring, H (Pseudonym for Kai Drews) (1884 - 1964) Denma . . .
Gyde Petersen, Hans (1862 - 1943) Denmark: American moun . . .
Zillen, Johan Wilhelm (1824 - 1870) Denmark: Landscape w . . .
Milton Jensen, Carl (1855 - 1928) Denmark: Village idyll.
German artist (19th century): Ship portrait "Pirate".
Mumm, Henry Alexander (1894 - 1981) Denmark: Harbour scene.
Christensen, Carl. J. (19th / 20th century) Denmark: Sce . . .
Busk, William (19th century): Praying women in a French . . .
Larsen, C. Vilhelm (1880 - 1950) Denmark: A steamer in t . . .
Bundgaard, Gunnar (1920 - 2005) Denmark: Landscape with . . .
Güllich, Vilhelm (19th / 20th century) Denmark: Himmelbj . . .
Unknown artist (19th century): Landscape with house
Danish artist (19th century): Coastal scene.
Wennerwald, Emil (1859 - 1934) Denmark: Forest road with . . .
Pram-Henningsen, Christian (1846 - 1892) Denmark: Interi . . .
Jacobsen, Ludvig (1890 - 1957) Denmark: La Vista el Puer . . .
Johansen, Axel (1872 - 1938) Denmark: Arrangement with b . . .
Swedish artist (20th century): Animals in a forest.
Danish Golden Age artist (19th century) Night fishing wi . . .
Kruuse, Hans (1893 - 1973) Denmark: Scene from a lake at . . .
Danish artist (19th century): Arrangement with a basket . . .
Henriques, Vilhelm (1894 - 1966) Denmark: Scene from Col . . .
Schiøttz-Jensen, NF (1855 - 1941) Denmark: Coastal scene.
Birkhammer, Axel Johannes Emil (1874 - 1936) Denmark: La . . .
Bjulf, Søren Christian (1890 - 1958) Denmark: Fishermen . . .
Petersen, Thorvald (1899 - 1988) Denmark: A forest road.
Danish artist (19th century): Arrangement with flowers o . . .
Danish artist (19th century): Queen Caroline Amalie and . . .
Swane, Lars (1913 - 2002) Denmark: Stormfall, Alfarvad.
Larsen, Karl (1887 - 1977) Denmark: At a church.
Koefoed, Hans Christian (1849 - 1921) Denmark: A young w . . .
Matthiessen, Hjalmer (1880 - 1957) Denmark: Motif from H . . .
Wolff, Aage Jacob Emil (c. 1807 - 1830) Denmark: A house . . .
English artist (18/19 century): A windmill.
Smidth, Hans (1839 - 1917) Denmark: Heathland Landscape. . . .
English artist (19th century). Marine with numerous fish . . .
Borregaard, Eduard (1902 - 1978) Denmark: Coffee pot and . . .
Danish artist (19th century): A woman walks in a forest.
Pryn, Harald (1891 - 1968) Denmark: Landscape with lake.
Danish artist, 19th century: Kongens Bryghus in Copenhag . . .
Bundgaard, Gunnar (1920 - 2005) Denmark: Scene from Ball . . .
Wils, Vilhelm (1880 - 1960) Denmark. Forest scene.
Nielsen, R. Hjortø (20th century) Denmark: Arrangement w . . .
Krullaarts, F. (19th century) Netherlands: Cows in a field.
Søeborg, Axel (1872 - 1939) Denmark. A farm.
Kragh, Ejnar Roepstorff (1903 - 1981) Denmark: Flowers o . . .
Nielsen, Svend (1908 - 1993) Denmark: Scene with people . . .
Unknown artist (19th century) Scene from the Nile with t . . .
Sohl, Will (Wilhelm Albert Friedrich Leonhard) (1906 - 1 . . .
Qvistgaard, Victor (1882 - 1953) Denmark: Scene from a g . . .
Unknown artist (20th century): Marine with sailing ships.
Bailum, Henry (1917 - 1985) Denmark: Hip Works - Bovbjerg.
Ewens, Leif (1914 - 2001) Denmark: Interior.
Larsen, Knud (1865 - 1922) Denmark: Portrait of Anders F . . .
Borregaard, Eduard (1902 - 1978) Denmark: A bouquet on a . . .
Dybvad, Knud Bruun (1880 - 1948) Denmark: Forest scene.
Russian artist (18/19 century): An imperial woman receiv . . .
Danish Golden Age artist (19th century) Portrait of Loui . . .
Milton Jensen, Carl (1855 - 1928) Denmark: Forest scene, . . .
Skovgaard, Hanne (19th / 20th century) Denmark: Scene fr . . .
Nielsen, Carl Leopold (1888 - 1960) Denmark: Still life.
Schou, Sigurd / 1875 - 1944) Denmark: A man stacks hay, . . .
Johansen, Axel (1872 - 1938) Denmark: Nature morte.
Lund, Carl Ove Julian (1857 - 1936) Denmark: The beach a . . .
Scheuermann, Carl Georg (1803 - 1859) Denmark: Trees on . . .
Henriques, Vilhelm (1894 - 1966) Denmark: Scene from a park
Nielsen, Svend (1908 - 1993) Denmark: People on a bench, . . .
Bülow, A. (19th / 20th century) Denmark: Marine. Evening . . .
Aabrink, Axel Conrad Pedersen (1887 - 1965) Denmark: Lan . . .
Christiansen, Niels Peter (1873 - 1960) Denmark: Animals . . .
Gad, Mogens (1887 - 1931) Denmark: Chickens in a farm.
Jensen-Klindt, Peter Vilhelm (1853-1930) Denmark: A hors . . .
Mau, Valdemar Erhardt Johan (1892 - 1952) Interior.
Agersnap, Hans (1857 - 1925) Denmark: Winter scene.
Jacobsen, Ludvig (1890 - 1957) Denmark: Romeo and Julie.
Bokkenheuser, Børge (1910 - 1976) Denmark: Arrangement w . . .
Holbak, Niels (1884 - 1954) Denmark: A farm in West Jutland.
Birkhammer, Axel Johannes Emil (1874 - 1936) Denmark: Sh . . .
Vantore, Mogens (1895 - 1977) Denmark: A Village
Jensen, Axel P. (1885 - 1972) Denmark: Landscape with farm.
Nyrop, Børge (1881 - 1948) Denmark: In conversation on t . . .
Unknown artist (17th century) Russia: Icon. Archangel Mi . . .
Danish artist (20th century): Scene with lake.
Olsen, Christian Benjamin (1873 - 1935) Denmark: The Med . . .
Kielland-Brandt, Edith (1888 - 1965): Still life.
Hindevad, Marius (1885 - 1977) Denmark: Summer landscape.
Nielsen, Svend (1908 - 1993) Denmark: People on a road, . . .
Nielsen, Svend (1908 - 1993) Denmark: A woman and a chil . . .
French, John (1869 - 1957) England / Denmark: Evening.
Nielsen, Svend (1908 - 1993) Denmark: Scene from Svaneke . . .
Jacobsen, A (19th century) Denmark: Deer in snow.
Jørgensen, Willer (1897 - 1956) Denmark: Scene from Sørup.
Unknown artist (17th century) A queen sitting on a throne.
Frost, Sergius (1900 - 1994) Denmark: A farm, Klegod. Ho . . .
Frost, Sergius (1900 - 1994) Denmark: Rindum Kirkeby.
Nielsen, Svend (1908 - 1993) Denmark: Scene from Rønne w . . .

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