Pegasus – Kunst - Antik - Design
Oddervej 168
8270 Højbjerg

tlf: 20 49 39 81

Lighting modern:Table lamps (13)
Lighting older and antique:Table lamps (53) Floor lamps (1) Ceiling lamps (59) Other (29)
Flatware:Real silver (141) Silverplate (3)
Bronze, copper, pewter etc.:Bronze (66) Copper, brass (326) Pewter (157) Other (20)
Books, postcards, maps:Books, fiction (1) Books, non-fiction (13) Postcards (10) Maps (35) Other (3)
Etnografica:Greenlandica (40) African (31) Other (9) Unclassified (17)
Glass:Drinking glass (143) Decanters (98) Vases (86) Art glass (106) Other (209)
Christmas decorations:Various Christmas decorations (8)
Pottery and stoneware - Modern:Figurines (20) Vases and bowls (90) Other (29) Unclassified (44)
Pottery and stoneware - older and antique:Figurines (23) Vases and bowls (28) Other (140)
Art modern:Watercolour (164) Lithographics (89) Paintings (251) Sculptures (29) Drawings (101) Other (65)
Art older:Watercolour (104) Other (7) Lithographics (204) Paintings (992) Sculptures (59) Drawings (145)
Toys:Various toys (63)
Candlesticks:Brass (155) Porcelain and Ceramics (1) Silver and plated (4) Pewter & other (9) Other (21)
Maritime items:Various maritime items (13)
Furniture, modern:Chairs (1)
Furniture, older and antique:Farmer furniture (26) Tables (65) Storage furniture (15) Mirrors (41) Chairs (32) Other (69)
Coins & stamps:Stamps (7) Medals (41) Coins (3) Other (1)
Oriental:Various oriental (554)
Porcelain and faience:Other (351)
Porcelain and faience - Figurines:Bing & Grondahl (3) Royal Copenhagen (2) Others (55) Unclassified (23)
Porcelain and faience - Plates:Bing & Grondahl (35) Royal Copenhagen (20) Others (2) Unclassified (9)
Porcelain and faience - dinner- coffee sets:Bing & Grondahl (34) Royal Copenhagen (74) Others (9) Unclassified (25)
Porcelain and faience - Vases:Bing & Grondahl (1) Dahl Jensen (2) Royal Copenhagen (12) Others (42)
Jewellery, double etc.:Arm jewellery (11) Brooches (26) Neck jewellery (134) Other (17)
Jewellery, gold:Arm jewellery (2) Brooches (6) Neck jewellery (8) Finger rings (21) Other (8)
Jewellery, silver:Arm jewellery (75) Brooches (76) Neck jewellery (112) Finger rings (21) Other (44)
Silver:Holloware (83) Other (110)
Silverplate:Holloware (12) Other (19)
Textiles:Clothing (2) Other (20)
Carpets, rugs:Genuine oriental rugs (9) Unclassified (13)
Clocks, watches:Mantel and console clock (12) Pocket- and wrist watches (21) Clocks (5) Other (30)
Various:Various (564) Vintage photo art (1)
Weapons & Militaria:Militaria (2) Weapons (11) Various (38)

Category: Porcelain and faience >> Other

Polychrome decorated faience dish, "Peacock", 1760. Delf . . .
Polychrome decorated faience dish, "Peacock", approx. 17 . . .
Huge English vase with lid in earthenware, 19th century.
2 hand decorated Art Nouveau faience vases, Annaberg, De . . .
English/Scottish cream-coloured earthenware jug, 20th ce . . .
English luster jug, 19th century.
Aluminia deep plate, 950, Trankebar, 20th century Denmark.
English terrine with dish, 19th century Asiatic Pheasants.
Delft blue - white vase, 19th/20th century.
Antique tiles, 19th century Holland.
Kellinghusen faience mug with pewter lid, 19th century G . . .
German empire porcelain coffee cup with saucer, 19th cen . . .
Staffordshire clock keeper
Giant Staffordshire dogs, mid 19th century England.
Bing & Grøndahl, seagull, with gold rim, dish, 39, 20th . . .
Bing & Grøndahl, seagull, flat plate, no. 26, with gold . . .
Royal Copenhagen craquelle dish, 20th century Copenhagen . . .
Staffordshire earthenware clock holder, approx. 1840, En . . .
Majolica art nouveau flower pot hides, approx. 1900, Ger . . .
German faience biscuit bucket, approx. 1880.
A pair of rare Staffordshire dogs in earthenware with gl . . .
Royal Copenhagen, assiet, leaf dish, 548, mussel painted . . .
Hannover - Münden Faience Valse mug, approx. 1800. Germany.
Small round blue decorated bowl with lid, Holland/Hanua, . . .
Dahl Jensen lidded jar in craquelle, 196/600, 20th centu . . .
Kellinghusen plate 19th century.
Earthenware vase, approx. 1880, Germany. Rococo style.
Tile fourpass, blue decorated tiles with landscapes, 18t . . .
Tile fiourpass, blue decorated tiles with people in land . . .
Tile table top with 15 blue decorated tiles, Holland. 18 . . .
Tile fourpass, blue decorated tiles with religious motif . . .
Tile fourpass, blue decorated tiles with tulips, 17th ce . . .
Tile fourpass, blue-cored tiles with landscapes, 18th ce . . .
Tile fourpass, blue decorated tiles with flower pot, 18t . . .
Tile fourpass, blue decorated tiles with landscapes with . . .
Tile fourpass, blue decorated tiles with flower pot, 18t . . .
Royal Copenhagen sand house in porcelain, 19th century C . . .
Dutch blue-painted tiles, 18th century.
Royal Copenhagen, dish, craquelle, 212/3606, 20th centur . . .
Kellinghusen ear bowl, 1st half of the 19th century, Ger . . .
Delft dish, 18th century Netherlands. Mixed style 1750 - . . .
Faience dish, 18th/19th century.
Faience dish 18th/19th century.
Small oak tile table, 20th century with 6 tiles from Sch . . .
Wedgewood blue jasper bisquit porcelain lidded jar, 20th . . .
Wedgewood blue jasper bisquit porcelain heart-shaped lid . . .
Wedgewood blue jasper bisquit porcelain lid bowl with di . . .
Wedgewood blue jasper bisquit porcelain pomander, 20th c . . .
Dutch faience dish, 18th/19th century. Blue/white decoration
Faience table bowl, 19th century, Societe Ceramique Maas . . .
Royal Copenhagen, dish, Blue Pheasant, 20th century Cope . . .
Porcelain centerpiece, approx. 1900.
Royal Copenhagen, Craquele vase, 2490. Copenhagen, Denmark.
German chocolate porcelain mug, 19th century.
Royal Copenhagen cup, 19th century with topographical mo . . .
Alumina faience vase, 227/257, 20th century Copenhagen, . . .
German faience lid jar, 19th century.
Royal Copenhagen, 12 angular craquelle table bowl, 212/3 . . .
Royal Copenhagen, round Craquelle dish, 810/3606, 20th c . . .
Von Schierholz porcelain fruit bowl in porcelain, 20th c . . .
Porcelain flowerpot, 20th century Porcelaine De Paris, F . . .
3 porcelain handles, 19th century Germany.
4 porcelain handles, 19th century Germany.
7 porcelain handles, 19th century Germany.
Royal Copenhagen lid jar, 259/2772, 20th century Copenha . . .
Feince plate, France, 19th century.
Lion chocolate jug in porcelain, 19th century Germany.
Dahl Jensen craquelle candlesticks - a pair, 236/681, 20 . . .
German faience flowerpot approx. 1900
Royal Copenhagen craquele table bowl with gilding, 3606, . . .
Rare latex rubber collect cup of porcelain, approx. 1940 . . .
Rare latex rubber collect cup of porcelain, approx. 1940 . . .
Rare latex rubber collect porcelain cup, 1940 from Fires . . .
Rare latex rubber collect cup of porcelain, approx. 1940 . . .
German wall jardiniere in painted faience, 1932.
Rare latex rubber collect cup of porcelain, approx. 1940 . . .
Rare latex rubber collect cup of porcelain, approx. 1940 . . .
Aluminia faience bowl, 151/2196, 20th century Royal Cope . . .
Floral tiles, 4 psc. composite roses, Friesland, c. 1800 . . .
Writing set in porcelain, Bing & Grondahl, 19th century . . .
Rørstrand hand-painted earthenware jardiniere in faience . . .
Bing & Grondahl large angular coffee cup with saucer, no . . .
Delft dish, 18th century. Blue / white faience. Holland.
French empire coffee cup with saucer in porcelain, appro . . .
Meissen white porcelain dish with gildings, 19th century.
CT Altwasser flowerpot, 19th century Germany.
Aluminia jardiniere, 625/472, 20th century Copenhagen, D . . .
Aluminia bonbonniere, Christmas 1915, Copenhagen, Denmark
Aluminia jardiniere, 650/411 with vaulted lid, 20th cent . . .
Aluminia mug, 502/455. Christmas 1906, Copenhagen, Denmark
Aluminia jardiniere without lid, 838/608, Copenhagen, De . . .
Pharmacies jar in white porcelain, 19th century Denmark.
Pharmacies jar in white porcelain, 19th century Denmark.
Pharmacies jar in white porcelain, 19th century Denmark
Large blue / white lid vase in porcelain, Heinrich & Co, . . .
Royal Copenhagen porcelain writing set, 19th century.
Faience hen, 19th century Germany.
Majolica flowerpot 1880 - 1900. Germany.
Majolica flowerpot 1880 - 1900. Germany
Faience flowerpot 1880 - 1900. England.

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