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Pegasus Kunst - Antik - Design
Pharmacy jar, brown stoneware, 19th century. Vaseline.
Pegasus Kunst - Antik - Design
Maternity bucket, Funen, approx. 1900, Denmark.
Reutemann Antik
Venus Kalipygos by Kai Nielsen for P. Ipsen
Pegasus Kunst - Antik - Design
Hot water bottle in clay, 19th century.
Pegasus Kunst - Antik - Design
Budding form with parrot and fruit basket, 19th century. Rønne, Bornholm, ...
Pegasus Kunst - Antik - Design
Bottle, Denmark, approx.1900.
Maternity Pot "Barselspotte/barselsspand" from the wellknown dänish potter, ...
Pegasus Kunst - Antik - Design
German artist, approx. 1910: Torso of woman.
Pegasus Kunst - Antik - Design
Greybeard. Germany, 17th century.
Pegasus Kunst - Antik - Design
Rare stalk cup, black clay, baroque shape, 18th century. Denmark.
Pegasus Kunst - Antik - Design
Danish pottery 19th to 20th. Large flowerpot
Pegasus Kunst - Antik - Design
Bornholmsk money box, like a poodle, 19th century. Denmark.
Pegasus Kunst - Antik - Design
German beer mug in gray salt glaze with pewter lid, 18th century.
Pegasus Kunst - Antik - Design
Sorring maternity pot, ca. 1860 - 1870. Sorring near Silkeborg, Denmark.
Pegasus Kunst - Antik - Design
Antique liquor bottle, 19th century.
Pegasus Kunst - Antik - Design
Baking / pate form, 19th century. With brown salt glaze. Selsvig - Holstein
Pegasus Kunst - Antik - Design
Vase of pottery, Denmark, 1930, decorated with a cat playing with a spider.
Pegasus Kunst - Antik - Design
Salt glazed pot with lid. 19th century. Schleswig - Holstein.
Pegasus Kunst - Antik - Design
English luster tureen with lid, 19th century.
Pegasus Kunst - Antik - Design
Gustavsberg vase, 1914, Sweden. Josef Ekberg (1877-1945).
Pegasus Kunst - Antik - Design
German stoneware drinking mug, around 1700
Pegasus Kunst - Antik - Design
Cognition mugs with pewter lids from German cone club, 1894th
Pegasus Kunst - Antik - Design
German stoneware bottle, 19th century. With salt glaze.
Pegasus Kunst - Antik - Design
Antique Clay Jar, Denmark, 19th century.
Pegasus Kunst - Antik - Design
Black clay tripod pot, 19th century. Denmark.
Pegasus Kunst - Antik - Design
Coffee pot, brown glazed pottery, 19th century. Schleswig - Holstein.
Pegasus Kunst - Antik - Design
Baking / pate form. Brown Glazed pottery, 19th century. Schleswig-Holstein.
Pegasus Kunst - Antik - Design
Antique liquor bottle, salt glazed stoneware, 19th century. Schleswig - ...
Pegasus Kunst - Antik - Design
Danish maternity pot, 19th century.
Pegasus Kunst - Antik - Design
Fish form, 19th century. Schleswig - Holstein.
Pegasus Kunst - Antik - Design
Herman A. Kähler anniversary plate, Denmark.
Pegasus Kunst - Antik - Design
German antique stoneware mug with pewter lid 1769.
Pegasus Kunst - Antik - Design
Pudding Form, Bornholm, Denmark, 19th century.
Pegasus Kunst - Antik - Design
Snaps stone jar, pottery, glazed. 19th century.
Pegasus Kunst - Antik - Design
Danish artist (20th century): Bowl. Stoneware. Blue / green glaze.
Pegasus Kunst - Antik - Design
Budding Form, Bornhom, Denmark, 19th century.
Pegasus Kunst - Antik - Design
Antique English dish, lustra, 19th century.
Pegasus Kunst - Antik - Design
Herman A. Kähler vase with the name: Broager. Advertising. Næstved, Denmark.
Pegasus Kunst - Antik - Design
Tripod Jutlander pot with two ears, 19th century. Denmark.
Pegasus Kunst - Antik - Design
Herman A. Kähler dish, 1920 - 1930, Næstved, Denmark.
Pegasus Kunst - Antik - Design
Sawing bank in the form of a seated dog, Bornholm, Cocker Spaniel. 19th ...
Pegasus Kunst - Antik - Design
Antique Clay dish with decorations, 19th century
Pegasus Kunst - Antik - Design
Antique pate / baking tin in brown pottery, 19th century
Pegasus Kunst - Antik - Design
Antique pate / baking tin in brown pottery, 19th century.
Pegasus Kunst - Antik - Design
Michael Andersen Lid Jar, Bornholm, approx. 1930, Denmark.
Pegasus Kunst - Antik - Design
Stoneware Jar, with blue decoration, o. 1900
Pegasus Kunst - Antik - Design
Large antique pate / baking tin, green glazed, 19th century.
Pegasus Kunst - Antik - Design
Antique pateform / baking tin, 19 cm. In the form of a mane sheep.
Pegasus Kunst - Antik - Design
Floor Vase, Michael Andersen & Son, Bornholm 20th century. Denmark.
Pegasus Kunst - Antik - Design
English pitcher in lustra, 19th century. .
Pegasus Kunst - Antik - Design
Stoneware pitcher, Germany, 19th century.
Pegasus Kunst - Antik - Design
Painted red clay tobacco jar in the shape of dogs head. 19th century.
Pegasus Kunst - Antik - Design
Danish dish in slip-decorated earthenware, o. 1900th
Pegasus Kunst - Antik - Design
Aase Hougaard pitcher, Aarhus, brown glazed.
Pegasus Kunst - Antik - Design
Money Box, dog, Denmark, 19th century.
Pegasus Kunst - Antik - Design
Antique and old jars from the mediterranean area
Pegasus Kunst - Antik - Design
Money bank in the form of seated dog, Bornholm, 19th century.
Pegasus Kunst - Antik - Design
Hot water bottle in pottery, 19th century.
Pegasus Kunst - Antik - Design
Money Box in clay, Bornhom, 19th century.
Pegasus Kunst - Antik - Design
Money Box in clay, Bornhom, 19th century.
Pegasus Kunst - Antik - Design
Pancake dish, pottery, c. 1930 Danico Horsens
Pegasus Kunst - Antik - Design
Antique porridge bowl, 19th century. Mediterranean.
Pegasus Kunst - Antik - Design
Herman A Kähler vase, 1930, Næstved, Denmark
Pegasus Kunst - Antik - Design
Money Box in clay, Bornhom, 19th century.
Pegasus Kunst - Antik - Design
H. A. Kähler spare hen with three chickens
Reutemann Antik
Figure of man in national dress from Søholm
Klits Antik
Hjorth ceramic Lidded
Klits Antik
Pottery bowl
Reutemann Antik
Vase of pottery with religious motif by Anders Høy
Klits Antik
Maternity pot
Klits Antik
Old pottery Maternity-pot
Klits Antik
Jugs of ceramics
Klits Antik
Maternity pot
Klits Antik
Pottery Milk jug
Klits Antik
Old pudding basin
Klits Antik
Danish Ceramick Bowls
In other languages:
Quirky Sundays Antik & Vintage
Smuk Kähler-skål med fire ænder – signeret HAK. Begyndelsen af 1900-tallet
Reutemann Antik
"Roccoco mand" C. F. Nielsen 1884
Quirky Sundays Antik & Vintage
Sortmalet platte med stedmoderblomster, patina, 19. århundrede
Ole Buus Larsen
Antik Hollandsk flise med manganfarvet dekoration
Pegasus Kunst - Antik - Design
Skønvirke ørekrukke, ca. 1920, Danmark.
Pegasus Kunst - Antik - Design
Gouda, vase, 1920 - 1930, Holland.
Pegasus Kunst - Antik - Design
Buddinge form i fajance, 19. årh.
Ole Buus Larsen
Gammel lerkrukke med dekoration.
Ole Buus Larsen
Stort rhinsk stentøjskrus med tinlåg 1832
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